Mt4 EA needed to open and close trades by day of week and time, not price.
Would like to have an MT4 EA that can open and close trades on the basis of time and day of the week.
For instance, “open long Monday 01:30 close Wednesday 13:00, open short, Wednesday 13:00, close trade Friday 09:00″… I would be able to input how many lots… I found this bit of code that might work:
enum daysOfWeek {Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday};
extern daysOfWeek dayOfWeek1=Monday; extern string timeSlot1=”00:00-00:00″;
extern daysOfWeek dayOfWeek2=Tuesday; extern string timeSlot2=”00:00-00:00″;
extern daysOfWeek dayOfWeek3=Wednesday;extern string timeSlot3=”00:00-00:00″;
extern daysOfWeek dayOfWeek4=Thursday; extern string timeSlot4=”00:00-00:00″;
extern daysOfWeek dayOfWeek5=Friday; extern string timeSlot5=”00:00-00:00”;
int OnInit(){
dayOfWeek1 +=1;dayOfWeek2 +=1;dayOfWeek3 +=1;dayOfWeek4 +=1;dayOfWeek5
if ((!isSlotOK(1,timeSlot1)) || (!isSlotOK(2,timeSlot2)) || (!isSlotOK(3,timeSlot3)) || (!isSlotOK(4,timeSlot4)) || (!isSlotOK(5,timeSlot5)) ||
Can you help? My hope is that this would be a small job.